October 2006 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Oct 1 00:51:50 EST 2006
Ending: Tue Oct 31 22:20:03 EST 2006
Messages: 201
- [Tango-L] I would like to announce
TimmyTango at aol.com
- [Tango-L] Smoking in the milongas
Deby Novitz
- [Tango-L] The call to tango, and "gender polarization"
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] The call to tango, and "gender polarization"
Nina Pesochinsky
- [Tango-L] Smoking in the milongas
- [Tango-L] Discussion Topics
Chris, UK
- [Tango-L] Call to Tango...
Caroline Polack
- [Tango-L] Tango-L Digest, Vol 7, Issue 2
Paul Akmajian
- [Tango-L] Call to Tango...
- [Tango-L] Discussion Topics
Jake Spatz (TangoDC.com)
- [Tango-L] Call to Tango...
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] Call to Tango...
Caroline Polack
- [Tango-L] Call to Tango...
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] Call to Tango...
Caroline Polack
- [Tango-L] If you are curious how people dance tango at milongas around the world...
Oleh Kovalchuke
- [Tango-L] Discussion Topics
Brian Dunn
- [Tango-L] If you are curious how people dance tango at milongas around the world...
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] If you are curious how people dance tango at milongas around the world...
Oleh Kovalchuke
- [Tango-L] If you are curious how people dance tango at milongas around the world...
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] If you are curious how people dance tango at milongas around the world...
Oleh Kovalchuke
- [Tango-L] If you are curious how people dance tango at milongas around the world...
Oleh Kovalchuke
- [Tango-L] If you are curious how people dance tango at milongas around the world...
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] If you are curious how people dance tango at milongasaround the world...
Brian Dunn
- [Tango-L] SA BUENOS AIRES LA BARRANCA MILONGA (air conditioning)
maria ester brenlla
- [Tango-L] Malando
John Ward
- [Tango-L] Malando
Dubravko Kakarigi
- [Tango-L] The call to tango, and "gender polarization"
John Ward
- [Tango-L] Tango-L Digest, Vol 7, Issue 4
Caroline Polack
- [Tango-L] Cortinas
Jake Spatz (TangoDC.com)
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Christopher L. Everett
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Club~Tango*La Dolce Vita~
- [Tango-L] Cortinas
Tango Tango
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Jake Spatz (TangoDC.com)
- [Tango-L] Essay on lyrics at TangoDC.com
Jake Spatz (TangoDC.com)
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Christopher L. Everett
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
nina at earthnet.net
- [Tango-L] Where to tango in Rome?
Trini y Sean (PATangoS)
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Jacob Eggers
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Jacob Eggers
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Chris, UK
- [Tango-L] Fw: Where to tango in Rome?
Amy and Ray
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Club~Tango*La Dolce Vita~
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] Cortinas
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Brian Dunn
- [Tango-L] Cortinas
Dave Schmitz
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Christopher L. Everett
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
nina at earthnet.net
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Brian Dunn
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
nina at earthnet.net
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Chris, UK
- [Tango-L] Cortinas - I didn't know
Caroline Polack
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
nina at earthnet.net
- [Tango-L] cortinas & stuff
Trini y Sean (PATangoS)
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Club~Tango*La Dolce Vita~
- [Tango-L] cortinas, conventions + such
Linda A.
- [Tango-L] cortinas, conventions + such
- [Tango-L] cortinas, conventions + such
Dave Schmitz
- [Tango-L] Searching for films ... HELP
Tanguero Productions
- [Tango-L] cortinas, conventions + such
- [Tango-L] NA=E: Re: Searching for films ... HELP
Ilene Marder
- [Tango-L] Si Sos Brujo
Jim Gillette
- [Tango-L] DJing
jackie ling wong
- [Tango-L] Alternative in Buenos Aires
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] Alternative in Buenos Aires
jackie ling wong
- [Tango-L] Alternative in Buenos Aires
Brian Dunn
- [Tango-L] Alternative in Buenos Aires
Brian Dunn
- [Tango-L] Alternative in Buenos Aires
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] Alternative in Buenos Aires
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] Fwd: Alternative in Buenos Aires
andres amarilla
- [Tango-L] Alternative in Buenos Aires
Brian Dunn
- [Tango-L] Alternative in Buenos Aires
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] 21 teachers, one amazing festival: TANGO A LA TURCA
metin yazir
- [Tango-L] DJing
jackie ling wong
- [Tango-L] Tango lyrics offline archive
Konstantin Kozlov
- [Tango-L] Tango lyrics offline archive
- [Tango-L] alternative tango
Deby Novitz
- [Tango-L] 2nd essay
Jake Spatz (TangoDC.com)
- [Tango-L] Tango A La Turca
- [Tango-L] Tango A La Turca
David Liu
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Alexis Cousein
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Alexis Cousein
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Alexis Cousein
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Alexis Cousein
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Alexis Cousein
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
- [Tango-L] Tango A La Turca
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Alexis Cousein
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Alexis Cousein
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Alexis Cousein
- [Tango-L] A Newer Ode to Joy
Gibson Batch
- [Tango-L] Tango Personality Types
Ernest Williams
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Nina Pesochinsky
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Alex Panchenko
- [Tango-L] A Newer Ode to Joy
Brian Dunn
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)http://by114fd.bay114.hotm
- [Tango-L] Tango Personality Types
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s
Alex Panchenko
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Brian Dunn
- [Tango-L] A Newer Ode to Joy
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Nina Pesochinsky
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s
Alexis Cousein
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s
Alexis Cousein
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance-- that is the question
- [Tango-L] The Good Dancer
Gibson Batch
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance
JFPaloma at aol.com
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s
- [Tango-L] The Good Dancer
Trini y Sean (PATangoS)
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance-- that is the question
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] Things Tango Dancers Hear at Tanda's End
Brian Dunn
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] The Good Dancer
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] Tango Personality Types
- [Tango-L] Things Tango Dancers Hear at Tanda's End: Follow-Up Request
Brian Dunn
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance
Huck Kennedy
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance
- [Tango-L] The Good Dancer
Brian Dunn
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] Milonga IS a Social Event
- [Tango-L] The Good Dancer
Alexis Cousein
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance
Caroline Polack
- [Tango-L] The Good Dancer
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s
- [Tango-L] Fwd: The Good Dancer
TangoSherwin at aol.com
- [Tango-L] The Good Dancer
Christopher L. Everett
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance
Marisa Holmes
- [Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s
Alexis Cousein
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance
Jacob Eggers
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance
Caroline Polack
- [Tango-L] Should you dance every tanda?
Deby Novitz
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance
- [Tango-L] "Tango: Theme of Class and Nation"
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] Tango A La Turca
- [Tango-L] "Tango: Theme of Class and Nation"
Linda A.
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance
Trini y Sean (PATangoS)
- [Tango-L] Tango lyrics offline archive-- Bug fixes
Jake Spatz (TangoDC.com)
- [Tango-L] The Good Dancer
TangoSherwin at aol.com
- [Tango-L] Apocryphal Commandments
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance
- [Tango-L] Milonga: It's not so fast
- [Tango-L] To dance or not to dance
- [Tango-L] The thrill is gone... how to get it back?
Robert Armus
- [Tango-L] Visiting New York
Melina Sedo
- [Tango-L] The thrill is gone... how to get it back?
- [Tango-L] The thrill is gone... how to get it back?
tangosmith at cox.net
- [Tango-L] The thrill is gone... how to get it back?
Jake Spatz (TangoDC.com)
- [Tango-L] The thrill is gone... how to get it back?
Trini y Sean (PATangoS)
- [Tango-L] The thrill is gone... how to get it back?
Alexis Cousein
- [Tango-L] About the strict rules in Tango
- [Tango-L] The thrill is gone... how to get it back?
- [Tango-L] The thrill is gone... how to get it back?
Rob Armus
- [Tango-L] The thrill is gone... how to get it back?
- [Tango-L] The thrill is gone... how to get it back?
Christopher L. Everett
- [Tango-L] The thrill is gone... how to get it back?
- [Tango-L] Tango A La Turca
tl2 at chrisjj.com
- [Tango-L] The thrill is gone... how to get it back?
- [Tango-L] The thrill is gone...how to get it back?
joanneprochaska at aol.com
- [Tango-L] thrill
Deby Novitz
- [Tango-L] recommended travel agent for multi-stage air itineraries???
Meredith Klein
- [Tango-L] NA-W: Milongas in Tokyo
JFPaloma at aol.com
- [Tango-L] BsAs safety reminder
macfroggy at aol.com
- [Tango-L] I think I am famous
Deby Novitz
- [Tango-L] The thrill is gone... how to get it back?
Chris, UK
Club~Tango*La Dolce Vita~
- [Tango-L] Ben Bogart & Thuy Lam in Puerto Rico!
elisabet rivero
- [Tango-L] Looking an old Argentine newspaper w/ tango
- [Tango-L] An Unusual Milonga - Dine & Dance
DocDAS at aol.com
- [Tango-L] BUENOS AIRES- Welcome
- [Tango-L] Miguel Angel Zotto's "Tango X 2" in New York!
Anne Leva-Midon
- [Tango-L] Given that it's a bit quiet here ; ) ... copied from Tango-UK
Chris, UK
- [Tango-L] Tango contacts in Boise, Idaho?
GraceLlew at aol.com
- [Tango-L] 2nd essay
anfractuoso anfractuoso
- [Tango-L] where to tango in Vietnam
- [Tango-L] Tango Fire in Cleveland
TimmyTango at aol.com
- [Tango-L] Tango Fire in Cleveland
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] Tango Fire in Cleveland
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] Tango Fire in Cleveland
Nina Pesochinsky
- [Tango-L] Milonguero is one style of close embrace styles.
Igor Polk
- [Tango-L] Milonguero is one style of close embrace styles.
AJ Azure
- [Tango-L] where to tango in Vietnam
andrea le
- [Tango-L] Tango Fire in Cleveland
El Mundo del Tango
- [Tango-L] Milonguero is one style of close embrace styles.
El Mundo del Tango
- [Tango-L] Milonguero is one style of close embrace styles.
- [Tango-L] where to tango in Vietnam
- [Tango-L] Milonguero is one style of close embrace styles.
Jacob Eggers
- [Tango-L] Milonguero is one style of close embrace styles.
Nina Pesochinsky
- [Tango-L] Milonguero is one style of close embrace styles.
tangosmith at cox.net
- [Tango-L] Milonguero is one style of close embrace styles.
Jake Spatz (TangoDC.com)
- [Tango-L] Tango-L Digest, Vol 7, Issue 28
- [Tango-L] Tango-L Digest, Vol 7, Issue 28
- [Tango-L] Tango-L Digest, Vol 7, Issue 28
- [Tango-L] Tango-L Digest, Vol 7, Issue 28
- [Tango-L] Tango-L Digest, Vol 7, Issue 28
- [Tango-L] Travelers' Tips for Buenos Aires
Janis Kenyon
- [Tango-L] Travelers' Tips for Buenos Aires
Christopher L. Everett
Last message date:
Tue Oct 31 22:20:03 EST 2006
Archived on: Thu Dec 15 08:03:22 EST 2011
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