[Tango-L] The Good Dancer

Alexis Cousein al at sgi.com
Wed Oct 11 10:16:17 EDT 2006

Igor Polk wrote:
> A good tango ( Tango! ) dancer-man is able to dance without any music at
> all.

Even more strongly - a good dancer *creates* his own rythmical line (which
hopefully blends in well with some of the things some instruments in the
music are doing).

I can still remember a performance by Sergio Molini and Gsela Graef-Marino
a couple of years ago that was danced without *audible* music - but if
you watched them, after some time, you were unconsciously humming some
music, because they *created* their own music, with its own distinctive
breathing pattern and phrases.

Not all dancers can do this - watching some other very "good" couples is almost
like watching a figure skating championship, without any soul to what they're
doing, the base rythm just pushing them along without remorse; they could be
dancing the same thing to the proverbial drum beater in a galley.

Alexis Cousein                                  al at sgi.com
Senior Systems Engineer/Solutions Architect     SGI/Silicon Graphics
<If I have seen further, it is by standing on reference manuals>

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