[Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)

Brian Dunn brian at danceoftheheart.com
Fri Oct 6 03:23:12 EDT 2006

Dear list,

Nina, you wrote:
Considering that most men do not hear much of the gossip that  
is being passed around...
I won't argue with "most men don't" - But some of us at least have quite
reputable and reliable sources, you might be surprised ;>. As far as
follower's technique goes, generally I am grateful to be able to refer those
seeking answers for such questions to my lovely partner. ;> ;>

Brian, everyone notices at the milongas in BsAs and in the United  
States pretty much everything...
Agreed! It's one thing that makes milongas fun - the social buzz of the
scene, the heightened-adrenalin state of watching and being watched.  But in
the experience of my sources, including my expatriate single female
long-time-BsAs-resident friends, the consequences of the behavior in
question are very different in BsAs and the USA.  You may not like it, but
misrepresenting the situation won't help your cause.

People have to get off the dance floor after one set.  In tango, if they do
not, usually it is the woman's reputation that will be at stake.  It is like
leaving a milonga with a man, especially if the lady has arrived alone.
Pity this poor fallen tanguera, this pathetic trollop who shamelessly
destroys her virtuous good name throughout the tightly knit USA tango
community by foolishly remaining out on the pista in full view during a
cortina with the same partner - but wait, here's the good news! 

Since, as you say, everyone notices everything, everyone at this milonga in
the USA noticed that she and her partner didn't start dancing until the last
song of the previous tanda, and understands that they stuck out the cortina
because they want to enjoy a decent amount of dancing with each other.
;> ;> ;>

All the best,
Brian Dunn
Dance of the Heart
Boulder, Colorado USA
"Building a Better World, One Tango at a Time"

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