[Tango-L] Cortinas (not the old car from the '70s)

nina@earthnet.net nina at earthnet.net
Fri Oct 6 13:05:47 EDT 2006

Chris wrote:
> You are surely in the minority in expecting respect for the idea that
> dancers should look to tango workers as custodians of standards of
> behaviour. If that should start to happen, god help social tango.

Anyone can choose to be ignorant.  That is why the milongas organized  
by people with low standards reek of ignorance.  DJs who cannot figure  
out why dancers need cortinas, dancers who do not care what music they  
dance to, since it is background noise and is all the same, women who  
are desperate enough to accept a man's invitation after one or two  
tangos of a tanda had passed, etc. - all reek of poor boundaries and  
lack of respect for pretty much everything a partner dance requires,  
incuding ones own self.

Teachers, organizers, and DJs are expected to know more than others  
about their work.

Personally, I am tired of the tango slobs, social dancers,  
professional, DJs, etc.

Warm regards to all,


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