April 2008 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Apr 1 09:00:58 EST 2008
Ending: Wed Apr 30 09:06:02 EST 2008
Messages: 42
- [Sci-tech-public] April 3 - Science & Democracy Lecture Series with Harold Varmus
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] new online resource in history of medicine from Harvard
wenc at fas.harvard.edu
- [Sci-tech-public] Reminder: Events for April 2nd
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] STS Colloquium: The Creation Controversy in Contemporary America, April 7, 4pm
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] FW: Harvard History of Science Workshop
David Mindell
- [Sci-tech-public] *research-in-progress reminder!
Melissa Lo
- [Sci-tech-public] ZOE Recommendation - Mel Chin April 7, 2008 and Fritz Haeg on April 16, 2008
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] The Wrong War--The Secret History of the War on Cancer (Devra Davis talk, April 9, 5 pm)
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] Gender, Globalization, and Development in China and India
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] MIT Visual Arts Program - April 4, 2008 Newsletter
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] events for week of April 7
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] An MIT-India Invitation for April 8, 6 PM, at 4-237
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] Harvard STS Program Workshop on April 18
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] TODAY @ 4pm -- The Creation Controversy in Contemporary America: A Field Study of 'The Creation Museum', Petersburg, Kentucky
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] Upcoming play and discussions
David Kaiser
- [Sci-tech-public] TODAY! The Wrong War--The Secret History of the War on Cancer (Devra Davis talk, April 9, 5 pm)
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] Dissertation Defense Announcement: Thurs, May 1
Karen Gardner
- [Sci-tech-public] "Instability & Decomposition": Conference Announcement
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] Schedule of Events: Week of April 14
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] kudos, thanks, & further conversation?
michael fischer
- [Sci-tech-public] NOTE LOCATION CHANGE re: Today's STS Circle at Harvard
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] CMS Colloquium-Special Date and Location/Wednesday April 1th 32-155/Ed Dimendberg
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] Tonight!!! ZOE - Thierry Nlandu and Marjetica Potrc - Monday, April 14, 6-9p @ Bartos Theatre
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] David Billington delivers 2008 Morison Lecture and Prize in Science, Technology, and Society, May 2nd at MIT at 2:00 pm
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] April 15, 2008, 2pm "The Theater of Sport" @ Rockwell Gym
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] Reminder: Meselson Lecture Tomorrow 4/17
Danielle Mancini
- [Sci-tech-public] Schedule of Events
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] April 28 - Workshop: Beyond the Creation-Evolution Controversy
S. Kim
- [Sci-tech-public] Fwd: [Hum-fac] MIT Housing, 1 bedroom sublet available from July 1-August 31, 2008 with possibility of renewal
michael fischer
- [Sci-tech-public] Cambridge Summer Sublet, 1-bedroom
- [Sci-tech-public] April 28 - Workshop: Beyond the Creation-Evolution Controversy
S. Kim
- [Sci-tech-public] Richard Sennett TONIGHT on "The Craftsman"
Shekhar Krishnan
- [Sci-tech-public] Zones of Emergency--Amar Kanwar + Balakrishnan Rajagopal
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] April 30: Forum on Space, Media, and Public Perceptions
Scott Uebelhart
- [Sci-tech-public] Reminder: Energy Lecture Today 4/23!
Danielle Mancini
- [Sci-tech-public] MIT Libraries Book sale, Wed., 4/30
Michelle Baildon
- [Sci-tech-public] Seminar on Environmental and Agricultural History, May 2, 2008
Margo Collett
- [Sci-tech-public] STS/CMS Colloquium by Bernard Geoghegan, Monday April 28 @ 4 pm
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] Morison Prize Lecture by David Billington, Friday, May 2nd @ 2pm (Bartos Theater)
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] Events week of April 28
Debbie Meinbresse
- [Sci-tech-public] WEDNESDAY: Forum on Space, Media and Public Perceptions, 5pm Stata Center
Scott Uebelhart
- [Sci-tech-public] Reminder: Dissertation Defense tomorrow, Thurs, May 1 @ 10 am
Karen Gardner
Last message date:
Wed Apr 30 09:06:02 EST 2008
Archived on: Wed Dec 14 23:48:11 EST 2011
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