[Sci-tech-public] April 15, 2008, 2pm "The Theater of Sport" @ Rockwell Gym

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 15 10:05:07 EDT 2008

>Apologies if you already received this notice from another source.

>April 15, 2pm
>The Theater of Sport
>@ Rockwell Gym
>Art Work-Out Lecture Series
>John Bell
>Puppeteer, Scholar, and Teacher in conversation with Damon Lee Blust ?Lucky?
>the Celtics leprechaun mascot
>As performance, different sports are closely related to but also importantly
>different from performing arts. Sports events involve diffe¬rent kinds of
>character creation and plot development than theater, and yet encourage the
>same kinds of cathartic release of emotions that have been associated with
>theater since Aristotle?s poetics and Bharata?s Natyasastra. Bell will lead
>a discussion of theses issues that will develop concepts of aesthetic choices
>and rules of performance that pertain to the theater of sport.
>Sam Ford
>Project Manager Convergence Culture Consortium in CMS, MIT
>Ford will talk about the theatricality and spectacle of professional wrestling
>for his section of "The Theater of Sport? lecture. Ford, who has both
>published work on professional wrestling and 
>taught a Spring 2007 course on pro
>wrestling at MIT, will discuss the evolution of what is today called ?sports
>entertainment? from one of humankind?s oldest sporting competitions to the
>scripted athletic exhibition that is so popular today.
>Directions: Bldg W31 (106 Vassar Street)
>Thanks We are happy to announce this Lecture Series in collaboration with the
>Department of Athletics, Physical Education, and Recre¬ation (DAPER) on the
>topic ?Art Work-Out.?
>MIT Visual Arts Program
>4.301 Introduction to Visual Arts Prof. Wendy Jacob TA: Jennifer Tren
>4.341 Intro. To Photography & Related Media Prof. Andrea Frank TA: Sofia Ponte
>RA: Kate James
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology Visual Arts Program
>Department of Architecture
>For more information: jtran at mit.edu
>sponte at mit.edu

Debbie Meinbresse
STS Program, MIT

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