[Sci-tech-public] Schedule of Events

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 17 08:40:04 EDT 2008

Reminder -- Today!   Thursday, April 17

Science, Technology, and Global Security Working Group at MIT
Arms Control and International Criminal Law
Matthew Meselson, Thomas Dudley Cabot Professor 
of the Natural Sciences, Harvard University
12:00 noon - 1:30 pm, MIT, E51-095 

EVENTS FOR THE WEEK OF April 21, 2008:

Monday, April 21
STS Circle at Harvard
Working Levels, Working Knowledge: Indoor Radon 
and the Environmental Protection 
Ellen Bales (History of Science and Technology, UC Berkeley)
12:15-2 p.m., Harvard, 124 Mt. Auburn Street, 
Suite 100, Room 
Sandwich lunches will be provided.  Please RSVP 
to sang-hyun_kim at ksg.harvard.edu.
For more information, please visit: 

Friday, April 25 - Saturday, April 26
Conference - What's the Use of Race?
Organized by the Center for the Study of 
Diversity in Science, Technology, and Medicine. 
For more information, visit the 
<http://web.mit.edu/csd/WUR/Welcome.html>conference website.
[at the MIT Faculty Club]

Saturday, April 26 – Sunday, May 4
Cambridge Science Festival
The 2nd Annual Cambridge Science Festival runs from April 26 - May 4.
For more information: <http://web.mit.edu/museum/>http://web.mit.edu/museum/


Monday, April 28
STS Colloquium
Strategies of Estrangement: Automata, Exhibition, 
and Claude Shannon's Epic Theater of Science
Bernard Dionysius Geoghegan, Northwestern University and MIT (Visiting)
4:00 pm, MIT, E51-095
Joint colloquium with Comparative Media Studies, MIT

Tuesday, April 29
MIT Museum Soap Box
Relational, Sociable Robotics
Sherry Turkle and Cynthia Breazeal, MIT
6:00-7:30, MIT Museum's Mark Epstein Innovation Gallery
This event takes place during THE CAMBRIDGE 
SCIENCE FESTIVAL (April 26 - MAY 4, 2008)

Wednesday, April 30
Space Policy Seminar
Perceptions and Attitudes toward Spaceflight
John Schwartz, The New York Times
Mike Cabbage, NASA Public Affairs Office
5:00 pm, MIT, 33-116

Thursday, May 1
Informal lecture by David Billington, Princeton University
4:00 pm, MIT, E51-095

Friday, May 2
Morison Prize Lecture
"The New Epoch" and the 21st Century Imperative for Engineering History
David Billington, Princeton University
2:00 pm, MIT, Bartos Theater 

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