[LCM Articles] What is wrong with you people?? One more thing...

Jimmy Kassis kingkassis at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 20 21:11:30 EDT 2006

screw you, you ignorant-intolerant-iranian-ass-kissing-syrian-butt-hole-licking low life
If you can't handle debate and alterative view points, go buy yourself a one-way ticket to Tehran!

> From: shraybi at hotmail.com> To: kingkassis at hotmail.com; leb-students at lists.stanford.edu; lebanon-articles at mit.edu> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] What is wrong with you people?? One more thing...> Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 03:42:14 +0000> > Jimmy Kassis,> > Would you please SHUT UP .........   i can't stand this Israeili any more> > Sorry for the rest of you....> > S H> > > > ----Original Message Follows----> From: "Jimmy Kassis" <kingkassis at hotmail.com>> To: <leb-students at lists.stanford.edu>, <lebanon-articles at mit.edu>> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] What is wrong with you people?? One > more thing...> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 23:28:50 -0400> > I respect the wishes of the moderator and I will not further comment on this > thread.  But as the originator of this thread I will make these last 3 > points.> Unity:> Many people commented on unity as the reason for standing behind Hezbollah > and focusing on Israel and what they have done in reaction to the Hezbollah > provocation.> I will argue that this approach will divide us rather than unite us.  We > must start doing with is RIGHT not what is politically correct.  What is > right is to feel outraged and betrayed by what Hezbollah have instigated.  > Even Arab nations are not denying these facts.> > Call for Demonstration:If all we say STOP THE ISRAELI WAR ON LEBANON as the > slogan committee suggested, and we do not parallel this message with calls > for a solution to Hezbollah, namely their disarmament, than we are doing a > our country a huge disservice.  How credible and how effective will we be in > the eyes of the world if we turn a blind eye to the elephant in the room??> > Negotiations:> I am appalled by the suggestion that we should avoid war even if it means 20 > years of negotiation with Hezbollah.  Do we want to spend the next 20 years > fearful of a militia group that is accountable to no one and that has track > record of acting irresponsibly?  What will we do next time Nassrallah > decides to show his solidarity with our palestinian brothers and go kidnap > and kill a few jews?  Will we vote him out of office?   What will we the > next time Iran is cornered over some its nuclear issue and stirs up trouble > through Hezbollah? There is NO future in Lebanon, or any country, that has a > state within a state.    This a time for us to make a stand against > Hezballah, let's not f*** it up like we did with the presidency.> > > > >  > Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 12:36:17 -0400> From: ssolomon at mit.edu> To: > wassimh at hotmail.com> CC: leb-students at lists.stanford.edu; > lebanon-articles at mit.edu; alwaysbekind at msn.com> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] > What is wrong with you people?? One more thing...> > I am actually not using > exact statisctics.> > Still, you have to say that (sorry for the ta2ifiyye > here) the huge > majority of> shiite people (35% of the Eligible voters in > the last elections were shiite> -annhar archive-) and a significant part of > the Sunnis (37% of the eligible> voters in the last elections were Sunnis) > and some of the rest of the> population (less Maronites than Roman or other > Christian sects) do belive that> Hizballah is our only defense against an > enemy that we can never trust.> > This is why I said that 30-->50 % of the > people would prefer that > hizballah keep> its weapons. (note that shiites > have an age pyramid that is wider than > all other> sects at the bottom. So, > in terms of population (not voters) they are probably> more than any other > sect in Lebanon).> > > Quoting Wassim Heneine <wassimh at hotmail.com>:> > > I > agree on most what you said except your statistics in the 2 paragraphs. I> > > might be wrong. Please provide supporting document.> >> > -----Original > Message-----> > From: lebanon-articles-bounces at mit.edu> > > [mailto:lebanon-articles-bounces at mit.edu] On Behalf Of Sleiman M Itani> > > Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:56 PM> > To: rmekary at aol.com> > Cc: > lebanon-articles at mit.edu; leb-students at lists.stanford.edu;> > > alwaysbekind at msn.com> > Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] What is wrong with you > people?? One more> > thing...> >> > Even if everybody on this list agrees > that Hizballah is bad, more than 30%> > (I> > would say even 50%) of the > Lebanese people want Hizballah to keep its> > weapons> > just to be a thorn > in Israel's side. There is a good number of Lebanese> > people> > who see > Israel as an enemy no matter what.> >> > Just remember that Hizballah has > the biggest support in Lebanon (as one> > party,> > not a coalition), and > even if we don't agree with those people, we have to> > respect their > rights. We can't just claim that they don't exist and keep> > them> > > unrepresented.> >> > now for what I think ( I think one of the articles > posted here said the same> > thing): hizballah's move this time might have > been taken as the reason for> > the> > Israeli attacks. I think that some > time ago Israel had the green light (or> > an> > invitation) from America, > the Arabs and some people in Lebanon. Note that> > hizballah's weapons > haven't been a problem for Israel for some time now,> > they> > are just a > problem for some people in Lebanon.> >> > I think that it is not only > Hizballah's (Syria and Iran) fault, it is also> > the> > fault of the > Americans, the Arabs (Saudi arabia, Egypt, Jordan), and> > the people> > in > the Lebanese government who knew that many Lebanese people will die> > but > still> > wanted revenge against Hizballah.> >> > Plus, without killing a > million Lebanese people, Hizballah can't be removed.> > This is true weather > Israel or the Lebanese army are trying to do it. If you> > don't know that, > then you don't know much about Lebanon. The only way> > to remove> > > hizballah is to erode its popularity first (maybe create a shiite party> > > that is> > anti syrian but still anti Israeli,) and I think that this is the > objective> > of> > the Israeli offensive.> >> > Anyways, these are just my > thoughts.> >> > The point is that we want to eat grapes and not to kill the > keeper. We need> > to> > have a united front and do this from a humanitarian > aspect because there is> > no> > united view on the political aspect. United > we stand, departed we fall.> >> > Also, we have to believe in peace, > democracy, and in the intellect of the> > Lebanese people. Even if it takes > 20 years of negotiations to disarm> > Hizballah,> > that is the right way to > do it. We have to learn to show the world unity and> > solve our problems > between us, democratically. This is one of the main> > reasons> > for the > success of the Israeli governments. Israel has a lot of internal> > problems > (including armed groups that the government can't practically> > control), > but they don't solve them by destroying themselves.> >> > I just hope that > this doesn't last too long. We don't need another 16 years> > of> > war.> >> >  > Salamat> >> >> > Quoting rmekary at aol.com:> >> >>  Great. Thanks Walid.> >  >> This being said, how can we take actions and spread the word and ask> >> > both of Hizballah and Israel to stop?> >> We shoud mainly ask Hizbalah to go > fight Israel in Iran and Syria and> >> to leave Lebanon alone.> >> If we all > agree on that, we should state this clearly all over the world.> >> We > should literally ask Hizballh to stop fighting Israel on our> >> Lebanese > land for an Iranian/ Syrian/ Palestinian cause.> >>> >> Do you all agree?> >  >> If yes, let's do something about it ASAP.> >>> >> Sincerely,> >> Rania.> >  >>> >> -----Original Message-----> >> From: r_walid at hotmail.com> >> To: > rmekary at aol.com; abitdodgy at hotmail.com; kingkassis at hotmail.com;> >> > leb-students at lists.stanford.edu; lebanon-articles at mit.edu> >> Sent: Wed, 19 > Jul 2006 10:54 AM> >> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] What is wrong with you > people?? One more> > thing...> >>> >>   Finally we are waking up and > realizing the truth. We are realizing> >> that Hizbullah's ultimate goal was > completed long ago, we should now> >> thank them and it is now time for them > to let lebanon take all> >> military and other decisions for itself. I am > sorry for all the pain> >> the Palestinians are suffering, but i don't see > why we also need to> >> pay the price by having a militia that tickles the > wasp's nest every> >> once in a while. We, the civilians, always end up > being stung the> >> most by these actions.> >>> >>    From: rmekary at aol.com> >  >> To: abitdodgy at hotmail.com, kingkassis at hotmail.com,> >> > leb-students at lists.stanford.edu, lebanon-articles at mit.edu> >> Subject: Re: > [LCM Articles] What is wrong with you people?? One more> > thing...> >> > Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:32:58 -0400> >> MIME-Version: 1.0> >> Received: > from pch.mit.edu ([]) by> >> bay0-mc3-f13.bay0.hotmail.com with > Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2444);> >> Wed, 19 Jul 2006 07:38:11 -0700> >> > Received: from pch.mit.edu (pch.mit.edu [])by pch.mit.edu> >> > (8.13.6/8.12.8) with ESMTP id k6JEbgdY024223;Wed, 19 Jul 2006> >> 10:37:43 > -0400> >> Received: from pacific-carrier-annex.mit.edu> >> > (PACIFIC-CARRIER-ANNEX.MIT.EDU[])by pch.mit.edu> >> > (8.13.6/8.12.8) with ESMTP id k6JEbfr4024220for> >> > <lebanon-articles at PCH.mit.edu>; Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:37:41 -0400> >> > Received: from imo-m21.mx.aol.com (imo-m21.mx.aol.com> >> [])by > pacific-carrier-annex.mit.edu (8.13.6/8.9.2) with> >> ESMTP > idk6JEb4EU017371for <lebanon-articles at mit.edu>; Wed, 19 Jul> >> 2006 > 10:37:04 -0400 (EDT)> >> Received: from Rmekary at aol.comby > imo-m21.mx.aol.com> >> (mail_out_v38_r7.5.) id i.37f.84e0bec (45777);Wed, 19 > Jul 2006> >> 10:32:59 -0400 (EDT)> >> Received: from FWM-D33 > (fwm-d33.webmail.aol.com [])> >> byciaaol-r02.mx.aol.com > (v110.15) with ESMTP> >> idMAILCIAAOLR025-b2d144be429a1d6; Wed, 19 Jul 2006 > 10:32:58 -0400> >> Received: from by FWM-D33.sysops.aol.com> >  >> ( withHTTP (WebMailUI); Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:32:58 -0400> >  >>> >>  Dear all,> >>> >> I read all the comments.> >> At least we all > agree we want Israel to stop its unhumanitarian attacks.> >> I am afraid it > is too late now after all the destruction.> >> But let's learn one lesson > though: we should also ask for hizballah to> > stop> >> fighting Israel... > The more they fight Israel, the more Lebanon is> > destroyed.> >> So why > don't we all ask for BOTH parties to stop????> >> Why don't we ask Israel to > go fight Iran and Syrian on THEIR land and> >> not ours?> >> Hizballah can > get out and fight on an Iranian land... do we really> >> want Hizballah?> >> > They are bringing nothing but destruction and war from Israel to Lebanon.> >  >>> >> We, Lebanese, Christinas and Muslims, shoud all ask for Hizballah > to> >> stop their action as well....> >>    > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> >> Rania Mekary, Ph.D.> >> Harvard > School of Public Health> >> Nutrition Department> >> 655 Huntington Avenue, > Building 2> >> Boston, Ma 02115> >> Voice mail: 617-432-6343> >> Fax: > 617-432-2435> >> http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/researchers/rmekary.html> >> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> >> -----Original Message-----> >> From: > abitdodgy at hotmail.com> >> To: kingkassis at hotmail.com; > leb-students at lists.stanford.edu;> >> lebanon-articles at mit.edu> >> Sent: Wed, > 19 Jul 2006 1:01 AM> >> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] What is wrong with you > people?? One more> > thing...> >>> >>    Before this list gets moderated, > allow me to say the following:> >> Jimmy, what a bloody pratt you are! You > want me to call an apple an> >> apple? Well, I just did. You want to > "applaud" Israel for killing> >> countless Lebanese civilians, destroying > the economy and> >> infrastructure of our country under the pretence of self > defense,> >> then knock your self out, but know this:   No one is condoning > the> >> actions of Hezbollah; we?re condemning the heavy handed actions of> >  >> Israel and its collective punishment of Lebanon and its people, which> >  >> constitutes of a violation of the Geneva Convention and International> >  >> Law. Come on, let me hear you clap. The government of Israel said it> >> > was Syria and Iran pulling the strings, then let them go bomb Syria> >> and > Iran.   I apologize to all recipients of this list for being out> >> of > character, but my 85 year old mother had to evacuate right after> >> she had > an operation, and our dear Jimmy thinks we should applaud> >> that. My > apologies for using derogatory language, but I wish there> >> was a polite > way to call an idiot an idiot.   Not only are you> >> senseless, dear Jimmy, > but you lack perspective and the analytical> >> capacity to understand that > the biggest loser in this conflict is> >> Lebanon and not Hezbollah. The > idiocy of morally decrepit people who> >> see nothing wrong with the > destruction of Lebanon and the death of> >> its civilians as long as they > are under the illusion that Hezbollah> >> are being destroyed is mind > boggling. Open your eyes and witness who> >> the real losers are.    Good > night!    We're not expressing support> >> for Hezbollah, we are expressing > solidarity and support for the> >> Lebanese living through a genocide you > have no shame in appluadng.> >>    From: "Jimmy Kassis" > <kingkassis at hotmail.com>> >> To: <leb-students at lists.stanford.edu>, > <lebanon-articles at mit.edu>> >> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] What is wrong > with you people?? One more> > thing...> >> Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 23:35:20 > -0400> >>> >> Instead of replying with emotionally charged responses, full > of> >> personal attacks, I would appreciate if you actually come up with> >> > alternative ideas of disarming Hisballah, i.e. curing the deadly> >> cancer, > rather than giving it a Tylenol by saying STOP THE WAR!! I> >> want to know > what is next?? spend the next 20 years negotiating with> >> them while they > build up their capabilities again?> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>      From: > kingkassis at hotmail.com> >> To: philippesaad at gmail.com> >> Date: Tue, 18 Jul > 2006 23:22:38 -0400> >> CC: leb-students at lists.stanford.edu; > lebanon-articles at mit.edu> >> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] What is wrong with > you people??> >>> >>   Rania, I don?t think I am stating the obvious. After > reading all> >> the comments sent out, the ?obvious? is that no one seems to > have the> >> balls to speak out against Hezbollah for fear of being labeled> >  >> unpatriotic. For a condemnation of Hezbollah is perceived as support> >> > for Israel which in itself is unpatriotic   Farrah I don?t condone> >> > Israel destroying all of Lebanon. 95% of the bombing has been> >> targeted > to Hezbollah strongholds. Hezbollah chooses to operate from> >> within > civilian areas. That in itself is outrageous; the people> >> supporting > Hezbollah should not allow them to launch attacks form> >> hospital > rooftops. We should all rise up and speak out against that.> >> Again I > don?t condone the destruction of my own country, but I> >> understand the > other 5% of the bombing that Israel is doing to send a> >> message to the > Lebanese government.   Elias Israel may not defeat> >> them completely but > they will sure weaken them to the point where> >> just maybe the Lebanese > army can dare to venture to the south and do> >> what is supposed to do and > patrol the border. Israeli exacting> >> revenge on the Lebanese??  Why? For > what?  You and I both know that> >> Israel only want security on its > northern border. They have proven> >> that when they COMPLETELY withdrew in > 2000.    Maurice I won?t> >> disappear. Deal with it. I don?t agree with > taking the country back> >> 20 years. But I want a solution a permanent one. > I am sick and tired> >> of holding Hezbollah?s hand begging them to disarm. > At the rate we> >> are moving with Hezbollah and Syria they would have taken > us back 20> >> years anyways.     Philippe Before you go questioning my > Lebanese> >> identity, my patriotism, and calling me a coward let me tell > you> >> something about myself. My house was burned to the ground by the> >> > Druze in 1981; my house was then leveled to the ground by the Israeli> >> > invasion in 1982 in the mountains. My house again destroyed in Beirut> >> > and my mother badly injured from Syrian shelling in 1989. And some> >> more > destruction was piled on my house and family from the Lebanese> >> Forces > with their war with GMA. Despite all that, I love Lebanon, I> >> love the > people, and I believe in a united Lebanon with Christians> >> and Muslims > living together as one people. I truly believe in that> >> vision. I don?t > believe us as Lebanese have united enough to disarm> >> Hezbollah. Hezbollah > being the undisputed puppets of Syria and Iran,> >> I hold them responsible > for the death of some of the finest people> >> that Lebanon ever produced > from Hariri and Tueini to the rest you> >> know the list I won?t repeat > here. After what round of talks were you> >> expecting Hezbollah to disarm? > Hezbollah wanted every Arab and> >> Iranian issue resolved before they did > anything. Is that what you> >> want? I am tired as stated of listening to > their lame ass excuses of> >> why they need to be armed. Yes the death of > 250 civilians is> >> horrible, but if the end result is a country free of > militias in> >> peace with ALL its neighbors working to build a bright > future for its> >> children, then their death is well worth it.> >>> >>   >  >_______________________________________________> >> >Lebanon-Articles > mailing list> >> >Lebanon-Articles at mit.edu> >> >  >http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/lebanon-articles> >>     > _______________________________________________> >>> >>> >> Lebanon-Articles > mailing list> >>> >>> >> Lebanon-Articles at mit.edu> >> > http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/lebanon-articles> >>   Check out > AOL.com today. Breaking news, video search, pictures,> >> email and IM. All > on demand. 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