[LCM Articles] We love you Robert Fisk!

Philippe Charles Saad philippesaad at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 00:07:28 EDT 2006

Rabih was joking.
I apologize to him.
I guess with all what is happening and the bad situation our country is
going through I have lost my sense of humor!

On 7/20/06, Rabih Zbib <rabih at mit.edu> wrote:
> We are infinitely greatful for our dearest friend Robert Fisk for the
> privilige of elevating us to the rank of full human beings, much different
> than those other Arabs!
> It amazes me -- I mean, living here in Beirut, as I have for 30 years.
> Here are the Lebanese people, sophisticated, educated, cosmopolitan, people
> who don't look like the Arab world, they look like us; I mean, people who
> could be quite at home on the streets of Paris or New York and London, and
> some of them are; people who read, who are very well educated; people who
> speak English fluently, French beautifully, and fluent Arabic, as well, of
> course; and who, when they die in such large numbers, the best we can
> produce is a call for restraint by the State Department and a claim by the
> British, our own dear Tony Blair, that the Israelis are using
> disproportionate force.
> http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=06/07/19/1345257
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Philippe Charles Saad
473 Adams Street, Apt 1
Dorchester, MA 02122
+1 617 230 6670
psaad at alum.mit.edu
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