[WinPartners] Fwd: IS&T Open House, N42, Thurs. Oct. 28, noon - 5 pm

Ginny Williams ginnyw at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 21 11:56:47 EDT 2004

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X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
Cc: ist-comm at mit.edu, Sara Bonner <n42site at mit.edu>,
    IST Leadership Team <ist-lt at mit.edu>, Ginny Williams <ginnyw at mit.edu>,
    css-managers at mit.edu, is&t at mit.edu
From: Greg Anderson <ganderso at MIT.EDU>
Subject: IS&T Open House, N42, Thurs. Oct. 28,  noon - 5 pm
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 11:04:34 -0400
To: Greg Anderson <ganderso at mit.edu>, aac-aoquery-bounces at mit.edu,
    istab at mit.edu, it-lead at mit.edu, mac-partners at mit.edu, ed-tech at mit.edu,
    win-partners at mit.edu
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Good morning,

In appreciation of our work together and in celebration of the new 
academic year, IS&T would like to invite you to an Open House on 
Thursday, Oct. 28, from noon - 5 pm in building N42, located at 211 
Mass. Ave.

If you have not visited N42 this fall, this is an opportunity to 
learn more about the newly created combined service center located at 
the front of the building. Please stop by, have some refreshments, 
and get better acquainted with the IS&T services offered in N42, 
including the Computing Help Desk, Software Services, Academic 
Computing, IT Security Support, a new Training Room, etc. 
Representatives from Apple, Dell, GovConnection, HP, and IBM will be 
in the lobby, and we'll be holding hourly prize drawings throughout 
the afternoon.

So, please join us for a festive time to learn more about IS&T, meet 
some of our staff, talk with vendors, and enjoy each other's company.


Greg Anderson
Director, Client Support Services
MIT Information Services and Technology
Room N42-175
Cambridge, MA 02139
ganderso at mit.edu

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