[WebPub] New Blog Post: Web Engagement Management (WEM) ­ The Latest Trend

David J Conlon dconlon at MIT.EDU
Thu May 13 14:45:09 EDT 2010

I¹ve been seeing the acronym ŒWEM¹ a lot lately in my RSS feeds and
wondering ³What the heck do they mean by Web Engagement Management?² I did a
little bit of research and found that this is not just a buzz word but an
up-and-coming philosophy of how web developers, designers, and content
providers should look at implementing content management systems.

Read the full article here: http://bit.ly/9dR40p

David J. Conlon
Web and Database Consultant
Departmental Consulting & Application Development - Client Support Services
Information Services & Technology (IS&T)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building N42-240g
Cambridge, MA 02139
p. 617.253.5988 | f. 617.258.6875 | http://ist.mit.edu/dcad

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