[WebPub] Next Meeting: April 1, 2010 "Web Analytics: Collecting and Demystifying Data" 12PM In N42 Demo Center

David J Conlon dconlon at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 24 17:01:09 EDT 2010

Hello WebPub!

Apologies for the duplicate email but I neglected to put the time and
location on the last notice!

Our next presentation will be Thursday April 1. At 12:00PM in the N42 Demo

"Web Analytics: Collecting and Demystifying Data"

There are so many Web Analytics engines available it's hard to decide what
to use.  And once you have Web Analytics installed-what do you do with all
of that data?

Our April 1 presentation will talk about some of the various options such as
MIT's Data Warehouse, Google Analytics, Omniture, and StatCounter and
discuss what each collects, why you might want to use one (or more!), and
how to interpret and use the data you collect.

See you next Thursday!

Dave Conlon
David J. Conlon
Web and Database Consultant
Departmental Consulting & Application Development - Client Support Services
Information Services & Technology (IS&T)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building N42-240g
Cambridge, MA 02139
p. 617.253.5988 | f. 617.258.6875 | http://ist.mit.edu/dcad

Important: IS&T staff will *NEVER* ask you for your password, nor will MIT
send you email requesting your password information. Please ignore any email
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