[WebPub] WebPub Presents: Social Media and Your Organization

David J Conlon dconlon at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 21 09:56:24 EDT 2009

Announcing September's WebPub Presentation!!!

THIS THURSDAY, September 24,2009
Time: 12:00p­1:00p
Location: N42, Demo Center
Anyone can come, no RSVP necessary!

Speaker: Corey McPherson Nash, a national branding and design firm

Social Media, the ³building² of shared meaning among communities, is
becoming more pervasive in our personal and professional lives. As blogs,
Facebook, Flickr, YouTube and Twitter have become growing components of the
communications mix, organizations need to develop strategies for using these
new media to support their goals and objectives. Every business, school and
institution needs to be aware of how social media not only projects who they
are but engages existing and new audiences in an ongoing dialog. This
presentation is intended for communications and Web professionals at all
levels who want to learn about the potential of social media and are seeking
guidance on how to engage these tools to connect with their audiences in a
meaningful way.

For more information, contact:
Dave Conlon
dconlon at mit.edu 

David J. Conlon
Web and Database Consultant
Departmental Consulting & Application Development - Client Support Services
Information Services & Technology (IS&T)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building N42-240g
Cambridge, MA 02139

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