[Webpub] article, "Ten Ways To Increase Your Twitter Followers"

Lisa C. Mayer lmayer at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 30 17:45:08 EST 2009

Ten Ways To Increase Your Twitter Followers
January 30th, 2009

 From TechCrunch, here’s an article by guest author Kevin Rose, the  
founder of Digg and the cofounder of Revision3 and Pownce. Kevin, who  
has over 88,000 followers on Twitter (making him the second most  
followed after President Obama), also “bloggs” at kevinrose.com. He is  
an investor in Twitter.

Here’s the short hand version of the whole article:

    1. Explain to your visitors what retweeting is
    2. Fill out your bio
    3. “Link it up” - Put links to your Twitter profile everywhere
    4. Tweet about your passions in life and #hash tag them.
    5. Bring your twitter account into the physical world (business  
cards, email signature, powerpoint slides)
    6. Take pictures.
    7. Start a contest.
    8. Follow the top twitter users and watch what they tweet
    9. Reply to/get involved in #hash tag memes.
   10. Track your results.

BTW, webpub is now on Twitter. Follow “us” at mitwebpub.

Lisa C. Mayer : web & database consultant at MIT- IS&T- DCAD
lmayer at mit.edu  |  617.452.4225  |  (gtalk & aim) lisacmayer
Join MIT WebPub! :  http://webpub.mit.edu

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