[Webpub] free webinar: online videos

Lisa Mayer lmayer at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 24 18:50:23 EST 2008

AMPS is hosting this series!  Hooray!  Here's there invite:

Attend individual sessions or all three.

Webinar Series

Lights, Camera, Action: How to Add Online Videos to Your Marketing Mix

January 29, 30 & 31, 2008 from 1 - 2 pm in 9-151 (Kaufman Room)

Hosted/Sponsored by AMPS

"Lights, Camera, Action" is a 3-webinar series intended to teach you  
how to easily use video on the web to expand your institutional P.R.  
capabilities and connect effectively with your target audiences in an  
engaging and accessible format.

January 29, 2008 - 1PM-2PM ET
Online Video Production 101: Tools, Tips and Tricks to Shoot and  
Produce Web Videos
Andy Mrozkowski, Admissions and Marketing Webmaster at Mars Hill  
College, will tell you what you need to know to get your institution  
started with online videos. He will share a 10-step plan to get your  
institution ready to shoot, produce and publish its first videos in 60  

January 30, 2008 - 1PM-2PM ET
Cover Your Own News for YouTube -- and the Web
James Todd, Writer and Producer at Duke University, will tell you why  
it makes sense to add online videos the more traditional PR toolkit.  
He will also explain how you can use online videos to cover news that  
will find an audience on YouTube.

January 31, 2008 - 1PM-2PM ET
Recruit Students with Your Videos: How videos can help you engage more  
prospective students
David Burge, Associate Director of Admissions at the University of  
Nebraska-Lincoln and host of RealNebraska, will explain why and how  
his institution chose to launch its own video show in 2003. He will  
also share tips and tricks that his 4 years experience of weekly video  
production have taught him, and how they can help you.

Kris Brewer: MIT TechTV Webmaster/Community Liaison will be on hand  
after each session to discuss and to answer questions on how you can  
use MIT TechTV to support your communications objectives.

Immediately following Webinar on Tuesday we will be giving a session  
on how MIT TechTV can be your resource on campus.

Lisa C. Mayer
Web and Database Consultant, DCAD
Information Services and Technology (IS&T)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room N42-240C
Cambridge, MA 02139

tel   617-452-4225
fax  617-258-6875
lmayer at mit.edu

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