[Webpub] Volunteer to Teach Web Design Workshop for Youth Summit in May @ MIT

Margaret Wong meponine at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 15 14:15:05 EDT 2007

Hi All,

I've been asked to pass the information along to all who might be 
interested in volunteering to teach a web design workshop to high school 
kids attending a Youth Summit on Global Climate Change in May, which 
will be held at MIT. The program is the BLS Youth Climate Action Network 
(Boston Latin School Youth C.A.N.). The program website is at 

Trish Weinmann (weinmann at mit.edu) of the Technology and Culture Forum is 
the contact. Some event details are below. If you're interested, please 
contact her directly for more information. If you know someone else who 
might be interested, please forward the message along.



-------- Original Message --------

Dear Margaret:

Many thanks for your speedy reply.  Here are some answers:

The summit will be held at MIT.  The Latin club is inviting Boston and
Boston-area high schoolers I'd say no more than 20 working in teams of 4-5
The workshop would be mostly best practices and basic design, not how 
to put it up, etc.

C-SAIL will be involved and I'm hoping we can use a computer lab or 
borrow some laptops.  The summit is mostly in Building 34 and those rooms have lcd screens
so there will be a central focal point to teaching.  We will assume that once
students go back to their schools, they will get technical assistance there to
get their websites on their own school sites.  I'll get the Latin url to you
tomorrow.  One student did most of the design and someone from the 
computer lab got it up on the web.  It needs work, but it's a pretty good first effort.

Margaret, thank you.  THANK YOU!

> Hi Trish,
> I know there are certainly expertise in IS&T for teaching the web 
> workshop, but I'm not sure who has availability. Would it be ok if I 
> forward your message on to relevant groups within IS&T and have them 
> contact you directly? Before I forward your information on, however, 
> I have several important questions.
>    * Will the event take place at the Latin School?
>    * Approximately how many students will be in the workshop?
>    *  From a teaching perspective, knowing to what extent of technical
>      depth the workshop has to cover would be needed. I'm not clear on
>      whether the workshop should be covering best practices in web
>      design or the details of building a page and how to publish the
>      page for the world to see. Could you clarify?
>    * What tools will be available to the students for building their
>      websites?
>    * Will there be someone who can provide the specific technical
>      information/configuration for uploading the website to their
>      desired final destination? Since the current site is student
>      created, I'm assuming someone is helping them publish to the web.
>      Since configurations for publishing differs on different web
>      servers, the workshop teacher won't know the configurations unless
>      there's someone they can talk to about the current process and
>      configuration.
>    * Also, if you could provide the Latin website URL that would be
>      very helpful.
> I'll wait for your response before forwarding to the relevant groups.
> Thanks!
> --Margaret
> Patricia Weinmann wrote:
>> Dear Margaret:
>> Hello!  I hope you had a chance to get outside for a little while today.
>> Margaret, I have a question and I'm asking you because you know 
>> everyone who does web design.
>> On May 19, T&C is hosting a Youth Summit on Global Climate Change.  
>> I'm an advisor for a student group at Boston Latin School 
>> (BostonLatinYouthCAN) and they are the student group co-hosting the 
>> event.  High school students from Boston and the Boston area are 
>> being invited.  These students are amazing: committed and passionate 
>> about helping the global warming problem.  Part of the Summit will 
>> consist of  workshops and one of the workshops will be creating your 
>> own website.  If you'd like to see the Latin website (still under 
>> construction, but totally student created), I'll send you the url (I 
>> don't have it with me right now).
>> Anyway....do you know of anyone in your department who would be 
>> willing to teach the web workshop?  It would be approximately 
>> 1:30-3:00 on Saturday, May 19.
>> I really appreciate any help you can send my way.
>> All the best,
>> Trish

Margaret A. Wong
Relationship Management Program
MIT Information Services & Technology
617.253.0590 (o) :: 617.253.8000 (f) 
meponine at mit.edu :: E19-738

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