[Webpub] MMBUG Meeting: February 8th: SCRIPTEASE: Computer Bondage & Automation

Susan MacPhee smacphee at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 30 15:12:21 EST 2006

Topic:         SCRIPTEASE: Computer Bondage & Automation
Speaker:      Jammie Ciocco
Date:          Wednesday, February 8
Time:          6:00 - 8:00 PM
Where:         MIT Stata Building
                AKA Building 32, on this map:
                Room 32-124

SCRIPTEASE: Computer Bondage & Automation

When you're chained to a desk and slaving over a project, it's easy to forget 
that we are still masters of the machine world. Even when your own workflow runs 
smoothly, having to update someone else's project always leads to extra 
headaches, and that weirdly-formatted content from your client always leads to 
extra work.

Take control by forcing your computer to do the gruntwork while you take the 
credit. Jamie Ciocco, whose interest in programming began when he was first 
asked to paste a thousand graphics into a presentation, will share creative 
techniques for automating web and multimedia production on Mac and PC:

* Textual healing: multi-file search, grep, and other tools for taming text
* Scripting secrets: supercharging actions in Fireworks and Photoshop
* Extracting information: making your machine give up the goods
* Pimping your tools: teaching your old apps new tricks to make your job easier

Jamie Ciocco has been a professional multimedia programmer for 12 years.  He was 
Lead Multimedia Programmer at SilverPlatter Education for four years, and 
created their web course platform in 1996 in between programming piles of 
CD-ROMs. He quit in late '98 to go freelance, shortly after the owners were 
offered $3 million for the company. The company sold for a cool million a few 
months later, gaining Jamie the moniker of "The Two Million Dollar Programmer," 
though only by people trying to butter him up.

Since going freelance, Jamie has specialized in medical education, with 
long-term contracts with medical publishers in the Boston area, Nashville, and 
Memphis. Side jobs have included creating course websites for Harvard, designing 
absurd Flash games for kids, writing ridiculous songs for no good reason, and 
running a hundred-seat theatre. His personal site is http://trendy.com/.

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