[Webpub] MMBUG meeting, Stata Center, June 8, 7 pm

Susan MacPhee smacphee at MIT.EDU
Thu Jun 2 14:56:54 EDT 2005

Boston User Group meeting, next Weds. June 8, 7 pm, Classroom 32-124

Topic:  MacroMedia Flash & Director

The panel will discuss the various strengths of Flash and Director, then 
we'll open the floor to general discussion. Our goal is to gain an 
understanding of the strengths of each platform. Please join us.

Coffee and cookies provided by <http://www.fmctraining.com/>Future Media 

Please join us in:

MIT Stata Building
AKA Building 32, on this map:
Classroom 32-124

Media Design and Production Specialist
MIT Center for Innovation in Product Development
30 Memorial Drive, Room E60-275
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel: 617-324-4005
Fax: 617-258-0485  
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