[Tango-L] List discussions

Gayle Hand gayle.hand at frontier.com
Wed Apr 15 13:29:35 EDT 2015

I was not a participant of the list in its glory days.  I more recently joined because I searched for a genuine discussion list in a list serve format... And was disappointed to find it to be dormant.

I miss the ability to discuss and debate in a free flowing way that FB quick blurbs and egocentric blogs simply do not.... Flames aside (I can ignore most and sometimes even be amused by the fray), the thing I found most annoying about the list serve format is that many posters do not think to trim the extraneous text from their replies. Since I like having a daily digest come into my mailbox instead of individual posts, this means scrolling through multitudes of repetition which seems even more tedious than ever!!!

Yes, several orchestras in the golden age recorded music specifically for Hollywood including Disney!  That little boy with the Mickey Mouse comment has a very good ear!!!  One of my personal favorites is a Donato rhythmic tango, El Gato!

Whatever is decided about the list will be fine -- we will tango on both separately and together.  The list originator(s) are to be commended and should be proud of their magnificent contribution to our tango world!

Best regards,
Eugene OR

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