[Tango-L] Tango Doble Frente (Al Reves)

romerob@telusplanet.net romerob at telusplanet.net
Sat May 28 16:10:09 EDT 2011


Tango Doble Frente (al reves) appears to date back to 1915?

Nicanor Lima's book on Methodology, Theory and Practice of Tango Argentino de 
Salon (1915?) describes a dance position called "Couples in Parallel".

page 10 of the book,

Positions of the bodies

Couples in parallel forwards or parallel backwards, in parallel forwards as 
seen in picture No.6 it means that the couple will dance always with their 
fronts or backs to one side (left or right). 

The picture 6 show us a couple in position of parallel forwards to the left 
because the man directs the dance and moves forward. If the couple go backwards 
then it would be called parallel backwards to the right, and both will show 
their backs. 

Like in other positions (in this book) the couple can walk through all of the 
dance itineraries and on both sides. In this position (parallel 
forwards/backwards) the woman steps forward or back same as the man but always 
with the opposite foot to the man (crossfoot). 

As it has been demonstrated, the tango has three (3) positions: in line, in 
parallel,  parallel forwards/backwards. Tango has also a secret which derives 
from these body positions you have just learned. This consists of in that all 
of the figures that are being executed in one position necessarily should also 
work out in others positions as I am going to demonstrate. This point is very 
important therefore is very important not to forget about it.

To view picture 6:



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