[Tango-L] self-proclaimed teachers rant

hbboogie1@aol.com hbboogie1 at aol.com
Mon Jan 11 10:51:18 EST 2010

Went to a milonga last night and not a nuevo in  sight. But guess what? 
Reeking havoc on the floor were the local self-proclaimed  teachers. 
Demonstrating how expert they were with endless boleos, kicking,  spinning and 
generally horrible floor craft. 
The question is why do men who  promote themselves to teachers act in this 
manner?  I think I figured out  the answer. It’s because they are worse then 
the idiots that don’t know any  better. How can you teach tango without 
floor craft? And if you yourself can’t  execute floor craft properly then tear 
up those slick business cards and try to  find a real tango teacher that can 
teach you proper floor craft. You’ll be doing  yourself and the tango 
community a big favor.
Someone said that new students  can always gain something even from a bad 
tango teacher. I agreed they can gain  bad habits and they do.
End of rant.  

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