[Tango-L] Gripe-A or Swine Flu in Buenos Aires

Deby Novitz dnovitz at lavidacondeby.com
Sat Jul 4 15:14:54 EDT 2009

As many of you may know I live in Buenos Aires.  The media is making the 
Gripe A panic situation.  I had Gripe B which is the plain old flu.  I 
got it on Monday night. Guys, this is winter, this is flu season. People 
get the flu during flu season. They say that

 The doctors really don't know the difference other than if your fever 
stays high then you have Gripe A.  Duh.  I was at my HMO today Swiss 
Medical and it was empty.  There was no one there...as in millions of 
patients trying to get help.  Friends told me the same was true at 
Hospital Aleman earlier in the week.  I can tell you that the streets 
are emptier than normal, even more emptier than in January.  That is 
because the government has scared the hell out of people.  You can't 
turn on the TV without some special news program blaring out on Gripe A.

The schools have closed earlier, in some cities, they have closed the 
nightclubs and restaurant-bars.  Pretty much here in Capítal Federal 
everything is still open except the schools.  I didn't dance last week 
because I was sick, but my friends told me that the milongas were light 
of people.  They have been light of people for the last couple months 
more because of our economic situation not because of the flu.  For us 
going to milongas every night is expensive.

Do not expect prices to go down here.  We still are suffering from 
continuing inflation and prices continue to go up.  Prices cannot drop 
because our expenses keep doubling.  You are seeing some sales on 
clothes earlier this year, but that is about it.  The good news for you 
all is that the peso is 3.80 to the USD.  It is still less expensive 
here for you.  You should still come.  Buenos Aires is always a great 
place to visit no matter what time of year.

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