[Tango-L] Shocked
Jack Dylan
jackdylan007 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 26 11:33:58 EST 2009
I think Jay is going to have to explain a lot more about the form of teaching
in a milonga that he thinks is acceptable. IMO, it's not just about disrupting
the other dancers; its also about the fact that most ladies truly hate it. I also
consider it disrespectful to the lady - unless she actually asks for assistance.
And, even then, IMO, the answer should be - 'another time, lets just dance'.
> From: Gary Barnes <garybarn at ozemail.com.au>
> If you are not verbally explaining, and not stopping and
> demonstrating, then you are probably not "teaching" anyway, in the
> sense that most people seem to mean when they ask people not to do it
> on the dance floor.
> On 26/02/2009, at 11:18 AM, Jay Rabe apparently wrote, among other
> things:
> > If you can "teach" without disrupting
> > other dancers in these two ways, I see no problem with it.
> >
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