[Tango-L] Shocked

Gary Barnes garybarn at ozemail.com.au
Wed Feb 25 21:09:20 EST 2009

If you are not verbally explaining, and not stopping and  
demonstrating, then you are probably not "teaching" anyway, in the  
sense that most people seem to mean when they ask people not to do it  
on the dance floor. Your partner may well be learning, but that's a  
whole other ball game.  I would think of my actions in this context  
perhaps as "helping".  I've certainly been helped by many women on  
the dance floor, without them saying a word, and have learnt a lot  
from that.


On 26/02/2009, at 11:18 AM, Jay Rabe apparently wrote, among other  

> I believe the "rule" that should be focused on is to be respectful  
> of and avoid disrupting other dancers at a milonga. "Teaching"  
> often involves stopping in place, which disrupts LOD, and it  
> usually includes loud talking, which distracts other dancers from  
> their enjoyment of the music. If you can "teach" without disrupting  
> other dancers in these two ways, I see no problem with it.

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