[Tango-L] Shocked

NANCY ningle_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 23 09:28:08 EST 2009

--- Klaus Radek <tangowien at googlemail.com> wrote:

> and he was so helpful. Each time we danced he would
> tell me what I was
> doing wrongly and stop, even in the middle of a
> social dance and show
> me how I should do things, or explain how I should
> follow.

Sorry, but in the US and BsAs, that would be
considered extremely rude and cause to leave the

> floorkraft was amazing. Other dancers just went
> round and round but he
> used all the floor - and was able to dart quick into
> corners and
> between dancers unexpected.

That would be considered quite bad floor craft in the
US and BsAs....at least where I dance.



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