[Tango-L] Lead an invitation that can be ignored or faught

Jack Dylan jackdylan007 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 16 22:46:04 EDT 2008

I agree with Sergio that it sounds like a joke. I've always understood and been 
taught that tango is all about 'lead and follow', as is every other partner dance. 
Surely, leading is the man's major responsibility in tango. How can the lady 
ignore or fight his lead unless, of course, she doesn't understand it? 

If it's not a joke, I'd like Laurie to explain a little more. And I'd love to here 
some comments from the ladies - especially those who live in Buenos Aires, 
or at least visit a lot. Does this happen there?
Man, this could turn my world upside down.

----- Original Message ----
> From: Sergio Vandekier <sergiovandekier990 at hotmail.com>
> "Of course, the indication is just that. Like every other lead in Tango, it is 
> an invitation, not a command. The lady may ignore it if she wishes, or even 
> fight it. One hopes that the latter will be rare."
> This has to be a joke.  
> Sergio


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