[Tango-L] Lead an invitation that can be ignored or faught

Alexis Cousein al at sgi.com
Tue Sep 23 07:35:25 EDT 2008

Jack Dylan wrote:
> I agree with Sergio that it sounds like a joke. I've always understood and been 
> taught that tango is all about 'lead and follow', as is every other partner dance. 
> Surely, leading is the man's major responsibility in tango. How can the lady 
> ignore or fight his lead unless, of course, she doesn't understand it? 
Ignore and fight are the wonrg words.

But given a lead is an invitation, she can certainly *resist* a lead, i.e. change
the timing. She can even take over the lead momentarily (which is no problem
with me, but bruises the ego of some other leaders) . Given that the leader should
be inviting and listening in order to move in unison with the follower, there's
nothing absurd about all that - and good followers *will* use resistance to
counter bad leads (that bring the couple out of balance in a wrong way), to force
room for adornos when the door for them is slightly ajar, and to move in perfect
harmony with the music.

Anyone who can't deal with this is perfectly free to dance with a broomstick.

They offer no resistance and never take over the lead.

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