[Tango-L] That arm thing

Trini y Sean (PATangoS) patangos at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 12 01:15:59 EDT 2008

Hi all,

Trini, here.  Since no woman has yet responded on this subject, I'll give my two cents worth.  Personally, I dislike having my arm being bounced up and down in milongas or tango.  It's tiring, it's uncomfortable, it distracts from the dance.  I'm not some kind of wind-up toy.  There may be women who like to bounce with their arms when they dance.  Whatever.  I prefer to make my expressions meaningful and organically.  Excess movements diminishes that expression - even if it's something as playful as milonga.  But that's just me.

Happy milongas to all,


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