[Tango-L] heel / Toe

Keith keith at tangohk.com
Thu Mar 27 22:17:48 EDT 2008

Long steps, heel first and short steps ball first. This is pretty obvious but not very helpful. 
Most of the steps we take in Tango are neither long nor short and at what step length do 
we change from ball first to heel first? Most seem to agree on 2 things:

1. Ball first looks more refined and elegant; and
2. Ball first is more difficult to learn.

So we have a choice: take the easy way - heel first and limit your potential or take the more 
difficult way and learn to dance ball first. The next question is for teachers. Do you teach 
ball first or heel first? Does any teacher really want to be responsible for limiting the potential 
of their students by teaching them the easy way?

Keith, HK

 On Thu Mar 27 18:43 , TimmyTango at aol.com sent:

>You can't take long steps and land on your toe. My legs tell me it's not 
>Taking short quick steps and landing heel/toe, also just doesn't feel right.

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