[Tango-L] tweaking lower back [was: Open Embrace Connection]

Jay Rabe jayrabe at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 12 22:04:37 EDT 2008

Having tweaked my lower back several times before I figured it out, in my experience the biggest contributor to lower back issues (in a tango context) is tight hamstrings.  They pull down on the pelvis, which increases the work that the lower back muscles must do as they pull Up on the pelvis to keep it in a neutral position. For me, the easiest way to prevent tweaking my lower back is to stretch out my hamstrings after a lot of dancing (I tweaked my back within a week after every festival for about 2 years before I figured it out.)

Second major contributor is weak abs, as Jeff mentioned. However it isn't necessary to bend at all to "engage" or tighten the abs. Just suck it in and tighten them. He is definitely correct that if you have a follower that is pulling you off balance or hanging on you, it's essential to tighten your abs and keep them tight, and keep your back as straight as possible (just like you'd do if you were lifting something heavy from the floor).

       LMT OR lic#10563

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