[Tango-L] BsAs glow (previously bad, wrong, Nuevo)

Floyd Baker febaker at buffalotango.com
Wed Mar 5 19:19:23 EST 2008

On Tue, 04 Mar 2008 20:32:56 +0100, you wrote:

>Floyd Baker wrote:
>> Victor.
>> I don't understand why a follower has to go through a lot of hard work
>> and practice to be a good follower.  
>> To me all they need is an understanding of what Tango is about.   The
>> rest should come naturally.   
>...with lots of practice and hard work ;).
>What tango is about is communication (because it's an improvised dance).
>We haven't been taught how to communicate with body and frame in our
>everyday lives, so we need practice to perfect the technique, just as
>we needed practice to learn how to crawl, walk, run and talk.
>Alexis Cousein                                  al at sgi.com
>Senior Systems Engineer/Solutions Architect     SGI/Silicon Graphics

But that's the part I don't understand.   Why aren't we able to
communicate with body and frame in an improvised way.  They did when
they developed it.   And from what I've read, etc., the men who did
that weren't especially 'sensitive'....

Nor did the women go to 'practice' as such...  Much less do all that
'hard work' stuff.   

It seems to me we tend to mechanize Tango here in the U.S.  
Perhaps it's why the 'glow' fades soon after followers return from
Bs.As.? Not enough air nor fuel to keep the ember burning?   Perhaps
the glow does show that it can indeed come 'naturally'.., when

When the men who developed Tango danced with each other, to see what
their bodies could be made to do and so to become better leaders..,
they also became better followers.  They took turns with the rolls...
It isn't done that way now and it seems the dance is being changed.
The leaders don't understand what followers have to go through with
all the leaders.   And visa versa of course.  

I'm giving a ladies only lesson on Friday, trying to avoid couples
learning patterns,  but I'm thinking now I'll try going beyond that.
In group classes when partners change, they will also change rolls,
each and every time.   I don't know why I didn't think of that
sooner...  <g>  It seems like it might be a very good alternative
solution to the problem of 'no men's clubs' any more.     

Has it been tried before? 


     Argentine Tango - Buffalo Tango - Sun Tango 
      * * * * * www.buffalotango.com  * * * * *

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