[Tango-L] Tango-L Digest, Vol 28, Issue 23

CHARLES KELLY carlitokel at usa.net
Thu Jul 24 23:42:25 EDT 2008

Social tango:  Capussi & Plebes

Many years ago, I had the pleasure and rare opportunity to observe Capussi &
Malena Plebes dancing "socially" at a milonga briefly, one night at the
Montreal Festival. Both of them had come to the Festival teaching and
performing with other partners; so I presume that in this instance, their
pairing was spontaneous, and un-rehearsed.   Capussi did not do anything
"theatrical," nor did Ms. Plebes do any of the special things that she is so
capable of doing in performance.  Rather, they were simply dancing a tanda of
milongas together, in the line of dance, having a great time, right along with
everyone else, on a relatively crowded dance floor. And, honestly, it was one
of the most memorable and spectacular things I can ever recall seeing, in ANY
tango venue.  So many years later, I can still see it clearly in my mind's
eye.  Such is the impression it had on me.

Similarly, over the years I have seen quite a few well-known figures --
Chicho, Gavito, Salas, and others -- dancing socially in milongas with great
beauty and great effect, and without any excessive pretence to stage or
performance dancing.  So, my hat's off to those who have the good grace, good
sense, and the balance of esthetics, to do the right thing in the right place
& at the right time.  Cheers to all;  ckel. 



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