[Tango-L] Styles of Tango

Myk Dowling politas at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 22:59:06 EDT 2008

Myk Dowling wrote:
> Nina Pesochinsky wrote:
>> For many years, there was an old woman in San Telmo on Sundays, in 
>> trashy outfits, sometimes intoxicated, dancing tango alone.  There was 
>> a bandoneon next to her and some pictures of tango dancers and she 
>> tried to collect money.  There was something quaint about her...
>> How foolish of me not to look to her for tango inspiration!
> How foolish of me to assume that other people can tell the difference 
> between good dancing and bad dancing other than by its location!
And actually, who is to say that a drunken trashy dancer by herself 
might not provide some kind of inspiration? Is there no story of 
interest to be told there? A sad tale of failure and an uncaring 
society? The sort of story that very few styles of dance could tell?

Myk Dowling

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