[Tango-L] Leaving the floor

rhink2@netscape.net rhink2 at netscape.net
Thu Jan 3 13:21:34 EST 2008

I recall the time (perhaps 12 years ago) in my area (San Francisco) when there were no discernible tandas.? I should say there were no cortinas.? At that time most tangueros honored the multiple-dance custom, but it was not based on any style of music.

Given the gender imbalance at many milongas in the U.S., I'm beginning to think tanda-less milongas are not so bad.? It seems far worse to have many people, ususally ladies, who never get to dance the whole evening.

In the swing dance community, the rule is 1 dance and move on.? Even the custom of escorting one's partner is sacrificed in order to maximize mixing. I suspect this approach would never work in Argentina, but in the U.S. it might help achieve the goal of distributing the joy of tango more evenly.


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