[Tango-L] Going to Ireland!

larrynla@juno.com larrynla at juno.com
Fri Aug 8 15:51:28 EDT 2008

Barring emergencies I will be in Ireland the last two weeks in September.

Anyone here with pointers about traveling there that I (and others making
similar trips) might not already have come across? Or about the Irish milongas?

My schedule allows me to go to Los Bohemios del Tango in Dublin on Friday the
19th. The next day I want to go at the Smock Alley Café milonga. Then in Belfast
next Saturday, the 27th, I should be able to go to The Edge restaurant for their
milonga. What a terrific looking place it seems, and what a view of the river
out the windows! I'm very much looking forward to going early and having dinner
and enjoying the view.

I'll also be in Galway, Limerick, and Cork, but not at a time when I can go to
their events.

The trip, incidentally, will be to gather photos and impressions and do research
to fold back into the two Shapechanger Chronicles novels I'm about to start
peddling via my website devoted to the series. If any of you are curious about
what I was doing when I dropped out of tango-l many years ago, this is it.

Oh, and I doubt if any of you will care to ever read the Shapechanger books, but
for the curious the first part of the first book can found online on the site.


Larry de Los Angeles

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