[Tango-L] taxi dancers

Astrid astrid at ruby.plala.or.jp
Mon Oct 15 12:52:54 EDT 2007

Tom wrote:
> Here's a true example of rude behavior. He gives her a really good
> first couple of dances. The next dance he causes her to stumble, and
> at the end of the set offers his business card for tango lessons to
> "help her with her problems".

this one sounds eerily familiar... I believe, I remember it from the days 
when I took lots of workshops here with various visiting Argentine teachers, 
and some of them would use this trick to fish for private lessons (make me 
feel insecure and inadequate and then offer me a privada on better balance 
etc.) , and others, once I had received a firm base in training from other 
teachers, would attempt to thus "put me in my place" during a milonga to 
convince me that I still had a lot to learn (from them, of course...). 
Thanks, Tom, this is the first time I see my suspicions confirmed. It is so 
long ago, I had almost forgotten.

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