[Tango-L] Musicality. What is it?

Floyd Baker febaker at buffalotango.com
Fri Nov 30 09:29:42 EST 2007

Just for the record.., here's my response to a private email.
Excluding the sender. 

Good morning...

I understand there's a whole lot more than the one point I wanted to
make.  That of silent counts being most important..    
I'm not a musician as such, you're right.  Do I need to be?  Freud did
not go to college to become a talk therapist, but he was one was he
not?   Do my fingers need to be trained to play notes?   Can I not
understand in my mind what musician strive for without reaching that
goal myself?   Perhaps 'flawlessly is a must for any music'.  I'm sure
it's a goal that many strive for at least.  But does it always happen.
Nahh...    So you need to have a name for that quality of
flawlessness.  Something so highly complex that overall there cannot
be a single 'number or name' rating system...  It's a balance of a
hundred (to pick a number out of the air) aspects of playing music...
As I said, silent counts being one of them. 

The musicality class that I referred to did not have anything to do
with Tango music btw...   But they still called it musicality...  It
was in fact for drums... 16 and 32 count beats.   So obviously the
term does not need to include dancing...  But if you must connect it
to dancing (Tango) then consider that the leader needs to trust the
musicians to always be exactly behind his lead, where they need to be.
The musicians must play well enough to allow him to trust their
playing..., in order to dance as he should.  As the follower must
trust the leader to lead as well as the 'musicality' allows,  in order
to dance as well as she should.., right _on_ the beat.  

Btw, I prefer to talk exclusively on the L if that's where I
originally post to a message.  As with Usenet.., private email around
a thread does nothing for the others who are also interested.   Not
that I claim to 'know' anything, but what I say may spark another's



Sun Tango - Buffalo Tango - Argentine Tango
    * * * www.olm1.com/~wny/tango * * * 

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