[Tango-L] No Subject - about statistics

Keith keith at tangohk.com
Thu Nov 29 23:16:31 EST 2007


I agree with everybody, we love to hear from newbies on Tango-L. Just a 
little advice:

1. You can learn a lot about Tango from Tango-L - except how to dance it.
Doug, never, ever make the mistake of assuming that the people who write so 
eloquently about Tango can actually dance it. 

2. Never, ever disagree or question what these 'experts' write. They really 
don't like it. Then they'll flame you for being rude and insensitive, without 
ever actually responding to your critisism or queries.

Enjoy Tango-L; just don't take whatever's written too seriously.

Keith, HK

On Fri Nov 30  8:29 , dwyliu at gmail.com sent:

>I agree with Igor.  Now is when you also have the most to benefit.  We've
>been in the game for a while, and the truth is that most of us probably
>don't care what others think and aren't interested in arguing about minor
>details of technique.
>But, as a beginner coming into argentine tango, there probably a freshness
>to your questions that is appealing, and our responses might actually mean
>something - they may actually help!
>Do not be discouraged.
>Very Best,

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