[Tango-L] open and close embrace

Keith keith at tangohk.com
Sun Jul 22 11:13:11 EDT 2007

 Hi Aron,

 This one is easy and I've learned it from lots of direct experience. Firstly, I wouldn't even try to "teach" a woman how to
 embrace a man - the fact is she already knows how to do it and if I try to "teach" it, she'll just get embarassed. Instead,
 towards the end of an 8-week beginner course, I'll dance with her. I won't tell her what I'm doing, I'll just embrace her and
 dance. In almost every case, the close embrace comes naturally. Of course, it's easy for me because I'm her teacher and she
 trusts me completely. Maybe at that time, she still can't do it with another man but at least she knows the feeling. Teaching the
 guys to dance close is a whole different thing and much more difficult. I would also add that, during our classes, my partner
 and I always demostrate the figures in close embrace, but we tell our students they don't have to do it that way until they feel
 comfortable. We then also demonstrate it in open embrace, which, to me, means 1 - 2 inches between the chests. Close
 embrace is contact at the chests. At the beginning, we also demonsrate with a 6-inch space at the chests and we
 tell them this is NOT Tango. 

 Another interesting thing, and this also applies to women who are not my students - after I've danced with them in close
 embrace, THAT'S ALL THEY WANT TO DO -  with me anyway :-). Women love close embrace and I don't understand why so
 many guys just don't get that.

 Keith, HK

 On Sun Jul 22 19:23 , Ecsedy Áron  sent:

>Nevertheless, teaching the (quality) embrace is an issue and I would be very happy if any of you could share some methods/exercises to make people aware of the right embrace.

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