[Tango-L] Tango World Championship

NANCY ningle_2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 20 11:03:29 EST 2007

There have been preliminary rounds in the US.  In
Miami only three couples competed a few years ago and
the third couple did it only at the behest of the
organizer.  I would have to say that the consensus
among the dancers was that such a competition is just
purely silly.  I have said it here before:  How does
one judge how something feels?

Is there a contest for best ballet dancer?  For best
artist?  For best sexual performance?  No.  Why not?

Yes, there are competitions in ballroom dancing.  I
have been in them.  They are jokes.  Many points are
awarded for dress, appearance, etc.  Judges favor
those couples they have been paid to 'coach'. 
Teachers who bring many students are given favorable

Surley we have all had the experience of watching
someone on the dance floor and thought, "oh, what a
good dancer he/she is" only to later dance with that
person and realize they are really not good dancers
for a variety of reasons.  There is a couple currently
teaching in the US and performing  and competing.  I
danced with the leader.  He doesn't lead.  But she
does according to the men who dance with her.

off to Atlanta for some great tango

<<Rito es la danza en tu vida
     y el tango que tu amas
     te  quema en su llama>>
de: Bailarina de tango
por:  Horacio Sanguinetti

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