[Tango-L] Fwd: Metaphores

NANCY ningle_2000 at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 22 15:52:12 EST 2007

And the women keep telling the men not to refer to
them in that way and  they keep justifying their way
of thinking.  Which may be a metaphor for men in
tango:  some are in it for the dominance and control
factor and some are in it for the sharing and caring
relationship factor.  Consider with whom you are
dancing....or not dancing.  And would the men please
stop telling us how we are supposed to feel about

--- natiber at charter.net wrote:

> Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2007 12:24:58 -0800
> From: <natiber at charter.net>
> To: tango-l at mit.edu
> Subject: [Tango-L] Metaphores
> For the record, metaphors  comparing women to
> musical instruments (like the violin) occur
> throughout history.  This ranges from the Oracle of
> Delphi, to Ray’s surrealist rendition of Kiki as a
> violin, and Margo Channing being compared to a piano
> in All About Eve.  High praise and or low down
> insult!
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<<Rito es la danza en tu vida
     y el tango que tu amas
     te  quema en su llama>>
de: Bailarina de tango
por:  Horacio Sanguinetti

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