[Tango-L] Why isn't there much discussion about Milonga

Michael tangomaniac at cavtel.net
Thu Dec 20 09:47:25 EST 2007

I'm curios as to why there are so many discussions on the
proper method of executing a Tango movement and yet I don't
see such contention and detail regarding any of the
movements in the Milonga (song/dance). Why is not as much
> attention/discussion given the moves in the Milonga as is
given in the Tango. 
Sincerely,  Mario

Milonga doesn't allow the same amount of time as tango to do
elaborate figures because it's faster BUT NOT FAST. Ochos
are smaller in milonga than in tango. There's no time for
paradas and elegant poses. Dancers look like they are in
slow motion doing those figures compared to the rate of the
music, which means they aren't listening.

You need the same technique (axis, frame, posture, balance)
in milonga as in tango. The same thing goes for vals. 

My guess is vals and milonga are rated behind tango. At
milongas, it seems 80% of the music is tango, 10% milonga,
and 10% vals.

Michael Ditkoff
Washington, DC

I'd rather be dancing Argentine Tango

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