[Tango-L] The Eyes Have It

Fantasia Sorenson bichonheels at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 14:03:17 EDT 2007

Well, it just goes to show you what can be gained if you're ready to
receive. If you're willing to listen.

The last couple of nights that I went out dancing, I was much more focused
on being available and looking. I read a great post from Nina a while back
that admonished us not to go after guys. I listened to that advice. It
helped my self-esteem a lot. Even if I seemed to be sitting more, at least I
wasn't projecting neediness and desperation. Although I was still a little
frustrated, I felt better about myself.

However, I dealt with my boredom by socializing. Recent posts to the list
made me reevaluate that. Again, I was ready to receive. I listened. Well,
the past few nights, I have gone out dancing and my interaction with other
women resembled what Deby just described in her post. I may have exchanged
some pleasantries with women next to me, but I didn't look at them, I looked
at my prospects!

So, I didn't stare my prospects down like a stalker. I just connected with
each one and held my gaze a little longer than I might if I encountered them
on the street. I have to say, it made something inside me feel a little
warmer. It felt pretty forward!
The upshot, though, is that I danced far more over the last few nights than
I have over the prior two weeks. I don't mean that each man just rushed
right over to me when I looked, but some of them did, and some of the others
found me later. Also, I wasn't just looking at everybody. I kept coming
back, gently, to the ones I know and like (and another one I didn't know,
but think I might like).

Maybe I just didn't know how to flirt before. I think this is my new motto:
The eyes have it.


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