[Tango-L] Milonguero style, style vs. technique

Alexis Cousein al at sgi.com
Mon Nov 6 08:22:04 EST 2006

Chris, UK wrote:
> Tango classes are mostly 
> adapted to the needs of the eternal "intermediates" and step collectors.

Not all. There are those that will teach "steps" or "sequences" only because
they teach you something - appealing to both "step collectors" *and*
people who want to learn how to dance alike.

Of course, you'll usually still be able to pick out the step collectors from
the others, even after they've followed exactly the same classes, because
they'll just check off a box before they've really understood what a step
was all about ;).

Of course, the *really* rabid "step collectors" won't touch these classes with
a ten foot pole, because the steps are usually "too simple", if only because
it's impossible to grasp the essence of a sequence when too much is

Alexis Cousein                                  al at sgi.com
Senior Systems Engineer/Solutions Architect     SGI/Silicon Graphics
<If I have seen further, it is by standing on reference manuals>

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