[Tango-L] Teacher survey

joaquin joaquinenrobeas at excite.com
Tue May 30 13:57:07 EDT 2006

To all you teachers out there in list land: 

Who is in charge of your class levels?  Do you consciously promote a student from beginner to intermediate?  Do you let an outside student with some experience join an advanced class?  Or do the students just show up/sign up for the class they think is appropriate?  Are you afraid you'll lose a student ($$$) if you don't promote them when they think they're ready?  Have you ever had to ask a student to stay in a lower level class?

Sometimes it seems like it's just a free-for-all.  (Go to any level you like regardless of skill.)  I'm not asking what the appropriate skills are or should be.  For example , "You have to know how to execute ochos before you can progress to intermediate."  

What I'm interested in , is whether you have a philosophy.  I understand that if teaching dance is a full time career for you, then you have to make a profit, but students who have worked their way up the skill ladder over a period of time also have expectations about the skill level of their fellow classmates.


ps: I'm a student.

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