[Tango-L] Sorta varied...
Michael Figart II
michaelfigart at yahoo.com
Tue May 2 17:52:16 EDT 2006
Hello List,
I just got back from a visit to beautiful Mt Vernon, MO, where I did not
check email since last Wednesday. What a busy few days on the list!
Jeez, I had 190 emails to go through.
Unknown wrote<<<<"As a dancer's propensity to teach increases, his
propensity to learn decreases at the same rate">>>That's pretty strange,
all the teachers tell me that teaching is a really good way to learn a
lot more.
Derik wrote<<<My view on learning tango:"Stay away from self appointed
tango teachers." You are the customer. Why not just watch someone dance
at a milonga. If you want to dance like them,"you ask them" to teach
you what they know. Do not let people "tell you" that they are
teachers. You
make that decision yourself.>>>>Derik, you're the worst "self-appointed"
"teacher" I've ever run across, and if this is the way you learned
tango, I certainly want no part of it.
Derik wrote<<<<< Andres would probably tell you and all the other "close
embrace all the time people", to open up the embrace briefly to allow a
front ocho, and then close the embrace again afterwords. Variety is the
spice of life, right?>>>>>That would be fine, I guess, for some, but for
Derik it's more like "shove her away real quick, muscle her around off
her axis in a squirmy thing, while looking at her feet and talking, and
then pull her back in". Yeah; variety! And yes, Trini and Deby were
right, forward can be done close.
Derik wrote<<<< As you have heard it said many times, "The embrace opens
and closes like a bandondeon.">>>>Only heard it once, just now.
Trini wrote to Derik<<< it is rude for you to place your values on
others on something so personal and intimate... If I am misreading you,
then let me apologize..>>>>>> You're not misreading, Trini. It's rude.
Derik wrote<<<< The problem I have with the "close embrace all the time"
people is ignorance, and then them trying to spread that ignorance
around, by promoting their own inexperienced teachers. If the "close
embrace all the time people" would just dance the way they want to and
leave other people alone (not try to teach their ignorance), then I
would have no problem with them at all.>>>>> Ignorant, huh? Pretty funny
coming from you. What promoting? What inexperienced teachers? We all try
to leave your sorry ass alone, but you just won't shut up! That's OK, I
find your nonsense entertaining, especially as you exhibit your own
ignorance in every posting.
Derik wrote<<<< We should not have a tango teachers recruit and choose
as their victims, and tell us that we are inexperienced fools.>>>>Damn,
you're right there, Derik; so this has happened to you? But you've been
dancing well over ten years! Let me know who it was so I can correct
them; you're actually a very experienced fool.
Dani wrote<<<<< If not, I think it would be quite funny to watch him
dance. I wonder who taught him - or tried to teach him...Sorry, Derek,
but you come up with a load of - in fact, mostly - utter guff!>>>>>Yup,
utter guff is one way of putting it. And if it wasn't so pitiful,
watching him dance would be quite funny.
Andrea wrote<<<<<< the same goes in the tango community here [NYC].
nothing and no one is 'WRONG' and no one makes rules about tango.>>>>New
York City also remains the only place I've been kicked in the elbow on a
dance floor.
Michael D wrote<<<< At the last all night milonga in New York, a
careless woman executed a very high boleo, kicking my partner in the
ribs. The second time she kicked the table we were sitting.>>>>I wonder
if it was the same woman who kicked me in the elbow?
Michael D wrote to Derik<<<< I'm sure I could get a collection from the
list to buy you a ONE WAY plane ticket [to BsAs].>>>>>Better idea; how
'bout a ticket to Denver for Memorial Day so he can see some Argentine
Tango? No way will he venture onto the floor. I love BsAs too much to
send him there. Come to think of it, I love Denver too much, also. How
'bout Paris? Derik loves Paris.
Aron wrote to Michael D<<<< As for critizing Andres: Michael, you should
first check him out at a milonga and THEN say he can't do something
(yes: and tell him first that you want to see him dancing close embrace,
as it is couple's CHOICE to pick one or another form of
embrace).>>>>>Michael did not criticize Andres at all. He simply said he
was not interested in show tango.
Derik wrote<<<< The embrace,although a very cool, really has very little
to do with anything.>>>>>>>Huh????
To be continued... (sorry for long posting, couldn't hold back!)
See Sorta varied...2 (or "Got B*lls?)
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