[Tango-L] Leading with hands... and even legs

Alexis Cousein al at sgi.com
Tue Jun 27 09:09:02 EDT 2006

Chris, UK wrote:
> That's "leading"? Surely me pushing her foot is... just me pushing her foot.
You'd be surprised. If the follower isn't positioned perfectly when
you "push" her foot (i.e. entirely on the back foot), and if you
don't accompany your "foot push" by a leader's body movement that
reinforces what she should be doing, you'll soon discover what
"just pushing her foot" *REALLY* does, and how it's different from
leading something proper that also *involves* some foot pushing...

Alexis Cousein                                al at sgi.com
Solutions Architect/Senior Systems Engineer   SGI
Bad grammar makes me [sic].

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