[Tango-L] Surrender

Trini y Sean (PATangoS) patangos at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 7 12:11:14 EDT 2006

4 Possible Stages of learning:

1. Unconscious Incompetence
2. Conscious Incompetence
3. Conscious Competence
4. Unconscious Competence

>From Jakes post, I would say he is at stage 3. The
guys he describes as dancing with abandon would be at
stage one. They are not even remotely similar to the
idea of surrender expressed by Sergio. "The leader
should be "in the moment" allowing free associations
to flow from the internal and unconscious life. Not
inhibiting himself with controlled thinking."

At stage 4, all of your concerns will evaporate. I
never plan when I dance. I can’t imagine how a plan
could succeed, since there are so many uncontrollable
variables. The stage 4 man surrenders futile attempts
to control the future and gains the pure joy of living
in the moment. He is keenly aware and in control of
himself. He has no need for a plan. The music tells
him how and when to step. The floor tells him where to

    Summary: (Repeated from Sergio)

   It is not possible to allow the dance to proceed
   without relinquishing conscious control and
   surrendering to the inner life of that creative

   To be too conscious of the steps or the technique 
   is to impede the process.

   The conscious use of steps and technique should
   be reserved for the lessons and the practice.


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