[Tango-L] Surrender: Trying again

Caroline Polack runcarolinerun at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 6 13:26:35 EDT 2006

Hi Jake,

after reading your post, I got this impression, perhaps falsely so, that 
leaders are not enjoying tango at all! I am pretty sure every follower 
respects the responsibility the leader has and furthermore appreciates it.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to a milonga where I saw a much older man, 
tall and lean, dance with an equally tall and lean woman who obviously had 
just been through treatment for cancer, her hair had that new fuzzy wispy 
growth and she had a certain sickly pallor. She rested her forehead on his 
neck while he sang to the music beautifully as they danced. It was so 
apparent that the only thought he had in his mind was to take her mind off 
her misery. I kept trying not to cry while I watched them.

>From a follower's point of view, we have to think too, we have to keep 
super-alert of every nuance of a leader's movement. Granted, we don't have 
the responsibility to create the dance but we certainly do have a 
responsibility to respond. It goes both ways. I am able to surrender 
entirely to the mood, the music, the smell of my partner's cologne, the calm 
confidence of his embrace and yet also maintain a hypervigilance of every 
single move he makes. To surrender doesn't mean to lose consciousness. To 
surrender means to give into the experience.


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