[Tango-L] Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango

Daniel Saindon gardien at tango.montreal.qc.ca
Mon Aug 21 19:00:37 EDT 2006

Good evening

On the subject of the Campeonato Mundial de Baile de Tango


I would like to know how formative & informative  the competition
were proven to be for the participants. Do you know anybody
who could provide us with their experience.

I suppose there are critirias on the scorecard that are filled
by the judges on each participants. What are these criterias ?
 Are the participants aware of what they are supposed to deliver ? 
What are these instructions ? Afterward, are they provided with an evaluation
 with points that require improvements ? Is there any teachers who
could prepare these dancers for the competition ? Who are they?

In the best scenario, I undestand, this competition could be as formative
as a Master class by a well known Tango teacher.

I am aware our tango community was approached by
some representatives from the Mundial. I would like to know
more about these competition before I make up my mind
on the benefits derived from these competitions.  

Daniel Saindon, Montreal

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